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Mode of application. Clinical notes. Therapeutic experience Kymdan-2 injection
These instructions are compiled based on the analysis and synthesis of research and clinical practice conducted by us over 23 years - from May 1989 to the present, as well as clinical records submitted by hundreds of hospitals, medical groups, institutes and epidemiological institutions in Korea and 30 different countries, and reviews million patients.
1.State and international certificate and assessments.
Kymdan-2 Injection is certified and registered:
GOST of the Ministry of Health of the DPRK No. 3827-96
GOST (updated) No. 0-3827-2001
GOST (updated) No. 3-3827-2007
Inventive right No. 27837 belongs to: Jung Seung Hoon, Lee Soon Chor
Patent Law No. 13785 belongs to: Jung Seung Hoon
Patent Law No. 43194 belongs to: Jung Seung Hoon
Brand right: No. 31407 belongs to: Pharmaceutical Companies Scared
Registration in the expert service "Analyticon" of Germany No. 51528, В-5614
Registration with the Ministry of Health of Cuba No. N-04-206-HLO
Registration with the Syrian Ministry of Health No. 16-3-1-18665
Registration with the Ministry of Health of Mongolia No. F080813AP1909
Also registered in Uzbekistan and the Philippines.
Indications for use: prevention and treatment of various diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, ascites, pancreatitis, colitis, diabetes mellitus, polyps and neuralgia of various origins, gastritis, asthenia, insomnia, gastrospasm, hemorrhage of the uterus and other organs, colds and flu, allergic dermatosis , thyroid dysfunction, cancer, inflammation of various origins, stomatitis, hypotension, cardiac neurosis, arrhythmia, angina, rheumatism, spontaneous gangrene, chronic cystitis, sexually transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammatory disease.
- prevents liver damage due to alcoholic beverages.
- prevention and treatment of colds and flu of various origins.
- increases potency.
- prevents infection and complications during operations, promotes rapid healing of wounds after surgery, and tissue regeneration.
- removes hives on the skin of the face or body.
- prevention and treatment of epidemic diseases, in particular, bird flu and new generation flu, prevents infection with COVID-19, and also quickly recovers from illness and eliminates complications.
- helps with fever for no reason.
- accelerates the healing time of wounds by 8 or more times.
-maintains normal appetite, increases food digestibility and does not cause obesity.
- relieves dependence on drugs and medications, prevents complications from radiation rays.
- prevents liver damage during treatment with tablet drugs but at the same time increases their effectiveness (it is recommended to use Kymdan-2 Injection along with antibiotics).
- increases the effect of anti-tuberculosis and anti-cancer drugs, eliminates their side effects and improves the general condition of patients
(simultaneous use of Kymdan-2 Injection along with anti-tuberculosis and anti-cancer drugs will reduce the risk of relapse of the disease) There have been many cases when, after the first course of treatment with Kymdan-2 Injection, patients were completely cured of tuberculosis and oncology.
- Kymdan helps prevent and eliminate postpartum complications (therefore, it is recommended to definitely use Kymdan-2 Injection after childbirth).
- Kymdan-2 Injection is also a facial tonic (registration number: EAEU N RU D-KR.AZH17.V.07766/19). Smoothes wrinkles, cleanses the pores of the facial skin, eliminates blackheads, pimples and black spots. Before use, you need to wash your face, break the ampoules, pour the contents into your palm, and wipe your face, massaging it evenly. The procedure is also performed by a cosmetologist using the method of mesotherapy.
- relieves fatigue, gives energy and vigor.
- Kymdan increases the body’s resistance to aging, and can reduce a person’s biological age.
In addition, in China, Russia, Great Britain, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Bulgaria, Poland, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea, Angola and many countries around the world, the import and use of Kymdan-2 Injection is widespread.
To this day, Kymda-2 Injection has been presented more than 30 times at national and international exhibitions and has been awarded gold medals and prizes, most notably the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) gold medal. In 2005, the Central Bank of the DPRK issued a gold coin in honor of her significant contribution to improving human health.
The Chosun Shinbo newspaper, published in Japan, on July 18 and 30, 2001, on three pages, specially included “Admired by the universal health-promoting drug” and other articles dedicated to Kymdan-2 Injections. They say that even Japanese doctors cannot help but admire the fact that this injection amazingly helps patients recover from intractable diseases in Japanese hospitals. The German newspaper "Wild" on November 22, 2002 wrote that the secret of the success of the beautiful Korean woman Kim Hye Sun, winner of the highest circus award "Golden Clown", is the use of Kymdan-2 Injections and that this drug is not doping, but simply a mysterious solution for injections that do not cause any mania or poisoning.
Korean media, Russian ITAR-TASS, Chinese Xinhua, English financial newspaper and many foreign television and radio channels, newspapers and magazines reported about Kumdan-2 Injection. Joint research work, a scientific symposium and a seminar on the topic of this drug are being held in different countries of the world.
Foreign Internet Web sites devoted over 5 million pages to Kymdan-2 Injections.
In 2008, the Korean pharmaceutical company Pugan supplied 10 thousand packs of Kymdan-2 Injections monthly to different countries of the world, and in 2012 the quantity of its supply increased 15 times - reaching 150 thousand packs. It is expected that it will continue to grow at a rapid pace.
2. Feature of Kymdan-2 Injections.
1)Kymdan-2The injection is a herbal solution of Korean ginseng (insam), which is grown using the original method in Kaesong, Korea. This solution containspolysaccharides ginseng, rare earth microelements, microdose of gold and platinum.
2) There is no pain during the injection and after that.
3) There are no side effects or negative consequences, unlike synthetic drugs.
4) There are no special contraindications, and it can be used together with other medications.
5) Kymdan-2 Injection makes the autonomic nerve and self-medication systems favorable, stimulating the very center of the autonomic nerve - the hypothalamus, and also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects. By renewing and multiplying cells, it restores the affected part of the body and improvesimmunity, maintains homeostasis of the body and promotes antioxidant effects.
6) It absorbs or destroys polyps and neoplasms identical to healthy tissues in the human body (cancer or painful secretions).
7) Kymdan-2 Injection has a wide spectrum of action and gives a quick therapeutic effect.
8) The method of application differs slightly not by disease, but by the weight of the patient and the state of the disease.
9)Kymdan-2 Injection is mainly used to treat patients, but is also useful for healthy people, as it gives them new energy and beauty and regulates immunity.
10)Kumdang-2 also used as a course (for two), before the planned conception of a child - (course for 1 category in tab.).Proper preparation for pregnancy - this is a reasonable decision. The health of their unborn child directly depends on the lifestyle of parents. Before you start conceiving, you need to take into account many nuances regarding preparation for pregnancy. It is worth starting to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy at least 3 months in advance.
11) Kymdan-2 Injection eliminates all side effects and poisoning, and is recommended Be sure to use it when using antibiotics and chemical medications, or when intoxicated with alcoholic beverages and drugs. In particular, when takinganticancerAndanti-tuberculosismedicines, causing serious side effects, it prevents side effects and accelerates the cure of the disease!
12)Kymdan-2 The injection did not cause any painful effect poisoning, or similar phenomena.
3.Note before use.
1) This injection isherbal preparation, so it can be used not only according to the treatment course table. Clinical records show that patients who used it regardless of the table had a higher cure effect.
2) All people who used this drug, knowing well the principle of its use, received a good effect, and 95.5% of them were completely cured.
Method of administration and dosage
The treatment course consists of 7 packages
The preventive course consists of 3 packages
The dosage table for intramuscular injections and intravenous administration of the drug Kumdang-2 is given

Ordering can be done by writing us an
e-mail: pugang.pharmaceutic@gmail.com
WhatsApp - Viber on the number
kumdang-2 INJECTIONS (AMPOULES) 8amp.*2ml.
Pugang Pharmaceutic Co.,Ltd

Kumdang is also used as an acupuncture injection.
Acupuncture injection means injecting a certain amount of Kumdang medicinal solution into acupuncture points of the body depending on the disease.
At the initial symptoms of a cold and malaise, acupuncture inject the drug into the Da-Zhui point for adults 2 ml (1 amp.), children 1 ml, once.
In the progressive stage of a viral or cold disease, the drug is used once a day acupuncture injected into Da-Zhui points - 2 ml, to the right Feng Men point -1 ml, and to the left Feng Men point -1 ml. This treatment procedure is carried out for 3 days.
For COVID-19 disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchitis, the drug is used 1 time per day, acupuncture injected into the Fei-Shu points in the right and left, 1 ml, and into the Gao-Huan point in the right and left, 1 ml. This treatment procedure is carried out for 7-10 days.
For hepatitis (A, B) and liver dysfunction from antibiotics or chemical drugs, the drug is used once a day, acupuncture injected into the Gan-Shu and Wei-Shu points, 2 ml. This procedure is carried out for 10 days, after which they take a break of 7 days, then continue the administration using this method for another 10 days. If necessary, continue this treatment until complete recovery.
The clinical records of disease and treatment experience.
1)Viral hepatitis is divided into A, b,.,,. All these types are acute or chronic period. The cause of cirrhosis, ascites and abscess of the liver is mainly hepatic viruses.
Recently used drugs on viral hepatitis – Entecavir, Adefovir, peg-Interferon, Lamivudin, Liverin, Pegasis etc.
These drugs have shown little effects, but not used widely. Because they show such negative effect as the suppression of the inert brain, and their duration does not continue for so long. Consequently, they only partially inhibit the multiplication of hepatitis b virus, but not destroy them completely and can cause side effects that bring patients serious suffering.
2)For the treatment of toxic hepatitis (drugs, alcohol, oxide, bacteria, toxic substances), cholangiocellular hepatitis, a widely used drug that helps to restore the function of hepatic cells and restoration of liver parenchyma, Kokarboksilaza, Liv-52, Arinami, Essentiale, Carousel, Regalon and other drugs. But they have limitations, so patients require more medicine.
For the treatment of fatty liver – one of the types of liver damage from metabolic disorders, often used Methionine, Colin, Resetin, Colistin etc. But they cause certain side effects and affect only one part, therefore, cannot be used as a holistic cure for fatty liver.
Synthetic amino acid (Albasin, Mareamin, etc.) that promote protein synthesis, and Albumin used to Supplement the lack of whey protein.
Strong Minophagen-significantly reduces the enzyme in patients with hepatitis prolonged enzyme, so before was widely used, but there was a clear effect for the renewal of liver cells. Again increased the enzyme and the disease recur. In particular, he strongly suppressing the immune system, showed a contraindication cirrhosis and coma of the liver, diabetes, hypertension.
3)Action Kymdan-2 Injections for the treatment of hepatitis.
In the liver cell has so-called "key hole" - protein receptor taking Interferon. Kymdan-2 Injection increases 16 times the amount of attraction Interferon, corresponding to the "key". Combined with this receptor, Interferon acts on the nucleus of the liver cells to form a different antivirus enzyme.
The restoration and multiplication of cells, regulation of the immune system, antiviral activity, improved systems of autonomic nerve and self-healing function enhancement libido Interferon, maintaining the homeostasis of the body and all other actions Kymdan-2 Injection is primarily useful for the treatment of hepatitis.
So it not only suppresses and eliminates the hepatitis viruses but also inhibits the progress of the disease in the liver parenchyma and accelerates the recovery to be effectively treated for toxic hepatitis, cholangitis hepatitis and obstruction of the liver disorders of metabolism.
4)Clinical records and therapeutic experience
All patients with hepatitis who used injection Kymdan-2, very quickly improved GPT (ALT) GOT (AST), Thymol(TSH), Kunkel(ZnTT), Small, total protein(TP), Albumin/Globulin(A/G), r-Globulin and other numeric values of the analysis than in the use of other drugs, and 88% of them showed high izlechennosti. It turned out good results and the validation of the HBs antigen.
Was more effective to apply the injection is not depending on diseases, and on "4.The main method of use".
When used only Kymdan-2 Injections was excellent clinical results, but when used along with other medications – better result. Because it does not cause antagonism with any drugs and is well in tune with them, as well as prevented and eliminated side effects from other drugs.
As a result of using the injection (including together with other drugs) quickly improved numeric values validation in patients with hepatitis b, but indigestion, bloating, weakness, discoloration of the face or of the secretions and other symptoms of hepatitis were eliminated significantly faster than use of other drugs.
And patients with chronic hepatitis who have used injection Kymdan-2 by way of application, showed a high izlechennosti, and among them appeared the transition to cirrhosis or cirrhosis of the liver.
Effective in the treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites of the liver. Very quickly restoring and multiplying the cells of the liver and at a high level, improving the immune system of the body and the function of self-regulation, Kymdan-2 Injection to cure cirrhosis of the liver. She effectively helped patients of ascites of the liver and hepatitis.
∆ After liver injury by alcohol.
If excessive alcohol consumption impaired metabolism of liver cells and progressive fibrotic degeneration of the liver, which leads to liver damage, which can go for acute and chronic alcohol hepatitis, even cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Kymdan-2 Injection achieved 98% curability in the treatment of liver damage with alcohol.
And people without obstruction of the liver was well apply 4-6 vials after excessive drinking, and it was useful to apply 4-6 vials to drink to prevent obstruction of the liver.
∆ Liver damage from antibiotics, analgesic and antipyretic
tools, etc.
To treat obstruction of the liver, digestive system and heart, caused by antibiotics and different drugs, generally used Vitamins and other medications, but they are not effectively helped. And used at the same time with him, Kymdan-2 Injection completely eliminated the difficulties and increased the effects of those drugs.
∆ Cancer of the liver.
For the treatment of liver cancer are used Adriamycin, Mitomycin, 5-FU, Cisplatin, Mitoxantrone, but they can cause not only liver failure and dysfunction of major organs, but the damage of blood system and stomach. But applying them mixed in with Kymdan-2 Injection has eliminated the side effects and doubled anti-cancer effect of those drugs.
For the treatment of liver cancer immunotherapy is applied, with Kymdan-2 Injection is considered the most appropriate drug. Effectively influencing the activity of leukocytes, lymphocytes and other immunoregulation, Kymdan-2 Injection increased the survival rate of patients with liver cancer.
In the treatment of neurosis, which means mental dysphrenia characterized by anxiety and avoidance from her, Kymdan-2 Injection achieved a 95% curability.
Kymdan-2 Injection achieved 99% of the treatability of different asthenia, including weight loss, weakness, loss of appetite, cooling and toes, functional disorder of the and hypoplasia.
Insomnia comes from the fact that srednestogovaya reticular formation, regulating the ratio of sensitivity and sleep fails to perform its function.
Usually sleeping medication concentration srednedushevoe stimulate the reticular formation and by containing Central nerve, including srednedushevoe the reticular formation and the outer cover hemispheres of a brain, having a sedative effect. But srednestogovaya reticular formation actively resists containment, so you need gradually to take any more pills. It soon entails toxicoses phenomenon, when it is difficult to fall asleep after taking the medicine. Then there are dry mouth, nausea and other side effects.
Kymdan-2 Injection normalizes srednedushevoe the reticular formation and the Central nervous system in General and improves their function without causing any side effects. It reached 96% curability.
Until now it was believed that for the treatment of hypotension that accompanies memory loss, headache, impotence, fatigue, weight loss, cooling of the feet and hands, damage to the heart and anaemia, there was no special medications except physical education and diet. But Kymdan-2 Injection is highly effective for the treatment of hypotension of different reasons.
Kymdan-2 Injection multiplies the amount of sperm allocation and fills spermatocysts, activates the action of spermatozoon and has a good effect on the function of the outer cover of the adrenal glands, making a person more energetic. Thus, it increased sexual function and showed a good result for the treatment of impotence.
Anti-TB drugs are widely known throughout the world. To medications used for the DOTS TB strategy, adopted by the world health organization in 1990 are Isoniazid, Rifamycin (Cubicin), Pirazinamid, Etambutol. They play an important role in the global anti-tuberculosis campaign. But almost all anti-TB medicines harmful to the liver, kidneys, nervous system, cause digestive disorders, impaired visual and auditory nerve, damage to bladder, pancreas, and nausea, high fever and headache.
The application Kymdan-2 Injections at the same time with anti-tuberculosis drugs, these side effects appeared or disappeared. Along with this increased effect those drugs have improved the condition of patients, reduced mortality and significantly increased the ratio of curability.
There were too many cases where a TB patient was completely cured using only Kymdan-2 Injections.
15.The bleeding of the uterus and other organs.
To treat uterine bleeding because of the difficulty of menstruation and the follicular hormone from distomatosis, bleeding from uterine fibroids was used only Kymdan-2 Injection (or mixed with other drugs), the result is what stopped all the bleeding and improved overall health.
In addition, she showed very good effect for treatment of bleeding due to ulcerative colitis and acute cystitis, habitual epistaxis.
Anemia from excessive bleeding after its use has significantly multiplied the number of red blood cells and platelets, and is also much accelerated izlechennosti.
16.Different polyps.
Using Kymdan-2 Injections were reduced or removed polyps of the stomach, lung, uterus, mouth, nose and other polyps, and no new and reduced or eliminated the symptoms of polyps. But the low dose did not produce significant effect, but only after injecting more than 200 ampoules (25 boxes) was observed a satisfactory result.
When muscles ache, a part of the body or the whole body, Kymdan-2 Injection effectively helps people, and all the symptoms are significantly reduced or destroyed. Percentage curability was 65%.
18.The difficulty of vegetative nerve.
Almost all diseases are associated with the autonomic nerves, and it is difficult to discuss about all the symptoms of autonomic nerve difficulties, including impotence, dizziness, tinnitus, pale face, headache, palpitations, sleep disturbance, nausea, etc. also considered that there was no special preparations from this illness. But Kymdan-2 Injection achieved some success in their treatment. From the first day after application Kymdan-2 Injections there was a marked therapeutic effect, however, different symptoms are softened or eliminated. Percentage curability reached 95%.
18.The difficulty of vegetative nerve.
Almost all diseases are associated with the autonomic nerves, and it is difficult to discuss about all the symptoms of autonomic nerve difficulties, including impotence, dizziness, tinnitus, pale face, headache, palpitations, sleep disturbance, nausea, etc. also considered that there was no special preparations from this illness. But Kymdan-2 Injection achieved some success in their treatment. From the first day after application Kymdan-2 Injections there was a marked therapeutic effect, however, different symptoms are softened or eliminated. Percentage curability reached 95%.
19.Different difficulties before and after childbirth.
(1)Obstruction before delivery.
At the beginning of pregnancy after the application of Kymdan-2 Injections gone morning sickness, lifted mood, and appetite returned to normal and women get rid of the weakening of the body and toxemia of pregnancy. And when the toxemia of pregnancy this drug is rapidly cured the disease. Kymdan-2 Injection effectively help pregnant women recover from the damage of the liver, stomach, heart, polyps and miscellaneous diseases. In women who have used injection Kymdan-2 before and after pregnancy, increased immunity and prevent the common cold and infectious diseases. She also helped women in childbirth and well acted and the embryo. Thus, they could give birth to a healthy child. We saw that children of women taking the injection Kymdan-2 during pregnancy, after birth have a high immune system and do not suffer from different diseases, grow faster and healthier than other children.
(2)the Difficulty after birth.
After childbirth deteriorating health and the heart weakens, and the sympathetic nerve becomes tense or upset. This affects the hypothalamus – the center of vegetative nerve. The result is intervegetative ataxia and difficulty circulation. This is called postpartum complication.
In our clinical experience, after birth, the Kymdan-2 Injection has a positive effect on the hypothalamus and improves the Autonomous nerve system and immune system, so it does not appear intervegetative ataxia and difficulty circulation. So you do not have the feeling of the wind in the body, night sweating, easy cold, dizziness, back pain, impotence, abdominal pain, whining, increased heart rate and other symptoms, but rather improved the health of more than before pregnancy. And suffering from postpartum complications was able to recover with the help of this injection.
20.Colds and flu.
The most effective method of prevention and treatment of various colds and flu – it is a physical hardening and the use of a reducing agent immunity or amplifier Interferon to improve respiratory immunity. In many countries it is believed that Kymdan-2 Injection is one of the most effective of the reducing agent and immune booster interferon.
When using 24 ampoules (3 boxes) – 56 vials (7 boxes) improved cold immunity, and people to prevent colds, but also prostupivshieshie sick recovered easily or soon.
Kymdan-2 Injection gave good results for the treatment of colds and flu, and when used mixed with other drugs – amazing effect.
When one or two shots does not give the satisfied effect, it is better to injectionit 5-8 vials at intervals of 5-10 minutes 3-5 times a day for 1-2 days. While any flu wasn't a problem.
21.Avian influenza, influenza of new stamps and other epidemics.
Today in the world have been urged to pay serious attention to anti-epidemic work. They say that if the flu virus of new stamps (pork), avian flu and AIDS cause the mutation, their power of infection, and the mortality rate increased terribly, and humanity can get into unimaginable trouble. In General, he changed and in the next generation, but influenza viruses of new stamps is a gene, so that they can at any time to cause a mutation. Also the situation with avian influenza and AIDS. Therefore, the world around health encourage epidemiological measures prior to the mutation of viruses of epidemic diseases. To defend against all viruses that may occur in a new form due to a mutation, it is necessary to have maximum immunity. For this we need to improve the immune system with the help of such reducing agents and immune booster Interferon, as Kymdan-2 Injection.
According to foreign special institutions, Kymdan-2 Injection has already achieved amazing clinical results in the prevention and treatment of SARS (), avian flu, new flu and die of AIDS. According to the reports of Korean medical teams working in African countries, after the application of the maximum dose or more, 63.5% of the HIV to be completely free of these viruses.
After repeated injections at the maximum dose of 56% of patients with symptoms of AIDS has recovered completely, and the remaining 44% saw a visible progress, and there were cases when that didn't work any effect. From someone who used injection Kymdan-2 prophylactic, never been the case with AIDS.
To prevent such epidemics, it is recommended to take 50-80 vials, and for the purpose of treatment – 5-8 vials with an interval of 4-6 hours for 2-3 days. When these days, there is no izlechennosti, it is necessary to make a break for 1-2 days and then the same dosage should be used within 2-3 days. Very few cases, when patients are not cured this way.
22.Allergic dermatitis.
Kymdan-2 Injection achieved good clinical results for treatment of allergic skin diseases and dermatitis of various causes, including hives on the face and body.
There were many cases when the skin disease that difficult to cure by any medicines, have been successfully removed by the injection of Kymdan-2.
And when Kymdan-2 Injection was used for external use, has a good effect.
23.Burns, frostbite and electrical injury.
At different the frostbite burns and electric shock Kymdan-2 Injection (or mixed with other drugs) gave a surprising result. After the use of the victims recovered faster in 10 times, and it should not have dangerous complications.
When due to the fall from the cliff or injured in car accidents, and fights appear bruising and swelling, torn skin and broken bones, and bleeding in the body, Kymdan-2 Injection in an 8-fold accelerated izlechennosti.
Many people who in a hospital would have to take place over a 6-month course of intensive treatment in a cast, and after recovery could be disabled after 20 days of this injection, all body functions have returned to normal.
Recorded many cases when those who, because of a serious injury lost consciousness and breathed his last breath, lived again, using injection Kymdan-2 6-8 capsules every 4 hours.
25.Infection after surgery, a fusion and scars.
When after the operation of any part of the body was used Kymdan-2 Injection at the above-mentioned"4.The main method of use", it is satisfactorily prevented contamination and accretion, and did not appear any consequences, but purely heal the scar.
Patients, after surgery, applying the injection Kymdan-2, recovered 8 times faster than not applying it. There was not much difference in speed of cure when used only Kymdan-2 of the Injection or when used mixed with other medications after surgery.
26.Different cancers.
Among the cells of the human body there are cells with a gene for cancer, but they are not easy to grow because of the function of the immune system, and begin to grow infinitely with the outside, that is, under the influence of the induced element (for example: long-term local irritation, carcinogenic substance, viruses). This is cancer. Under the strong immune system the cancer may not appear, but even if there are its symptoms, it is necessary to regulate the immune system so that cancer cells could not proliferate or destroyed themselves. To eliminate a single cancer cell requires 200 healthy cells, so the process of reproduction of healthy cells works to curb cancer.
Kymdan-2 Injection improves the immune function of the human body and affects the growth and multiplication of healthy cells. So achieved a successful result for the prevention and treatment of various cancers. According to the results of treatment of cancer using Kymdan-2 Injections, in the initial period of izlechennosti was very high, in the middle period a relatively high and a low.
If we analyze the cases when the cancer is quite restrained or cured using Kymdan-2 Injections, almost all patients used 300-600 vials on the maximum dosage or more of them.
When used together with Endoxan, 5-Fluorouracil, Mitomycin, Vincristine, Cisplatin, Taxoltm and other anticancer drugs seemed less serious side effects, and the effect the treatment has increased significantly.
According to clinical records, Kymdan-2 Injection effectively helps people to heal from cancers of the liver, stomach, gall bladder and biliary tract, pancreas, prostate, breast, uterus, adnexitis and myxoma of the peritoneum.
Successful clinical results have made a contribution to the team, conducting research on anti-cancer remedies have proven that you can cure cancer by way of improving immune function, using the reducing agents of the immune system, primarily polysaccharides for regulation of immunity (Kymdan-2 Injection), activated rare earth elements and platinum.
According to clinical records, the high mortality rate of people who used only anti-cancer drugs, and low mortality of patients receiving injection Kymdan-2 together with anti-cancer drugs or used only injection Kymdan-2.
27.Different inflammation.
In clinical practice Kymdan-2 Injection was given strong anti-inflammatory effect. The use of only Kymdan-2 Injection well was eliminated inflammation, and when applied together with antibiotics was still a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Along with this didn't show liver damage, digestive problems and other side effects from antibiotics. So it was better to use antibiotics be sure together with injection of Kymdan-2. However, she used different syringes.
28.In case of wanton heat.
There were many cases where the examination and analysis could not determine the cause of the heat. And Kymdan-2 Injection effectively act on the temperature reduction and healing.
29.In case of loss of appetite.
The lack of appetite from different reasons Kymdan-2 Injection contributed to the restoration of appetite. But there was no case of excessive increase of appetite and the appearance of corpulence. This is because Kymdan-2 Injection, improving the nervous system of the human body helps to normalize the function of regulating appetite and digestion, and increases appetite too.
But it does not reduce appetite or corpulence.
In Korea, no drugs, and we collected data and clinical records from foreign hospitals and Korean medical teams working in different countries of the world.
Following treatment records of people who have poisoned or affected by the following drugs and psychotropic substances.
- Drugs system of the opium alkaloid is Morphine, Codeine, thebaine, Heroin, Dihydrocodeine;
- Drugs system tocalculate Cocaine;
- Synthetic drugs – Dihydrotropine (Danda), Promedol;
Stimulants that give similar effects of drugs – Has, Marijuana, Hiropon, AIS (Bindu), Amphetamin.
Addicts appeared Hypo-functioning of all organs and neurological disorder due to disorders of the autonomic nerve. From pulmonary fibrosis and burdens of the heart show symptoms of heart damage, and also due to the continuing expansion of blood vessels drugs decreased elasticity of blood vessels and slowed blood flow. With dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, and difficulty intestinal action continued gastric disorder.
After applying Kymdan-2 Injection"4. The main method of using" the drug improved system of vegetative nerve, and soon recovered the function of organs, eliminate a neurological disorder, normal bleeding and passed a stomach upset and they become normal people. Psychological dependence on drugs and withdrawal symptoms are significantly eased or eliminated. Ultimately, eliminated drug addiction.
A few hours after departing from the drugs much there withdrawal syndromes (together with a strong demand for drugs continues chihota, watery eyes, drooling, increased pupils, there are spasms and mental anxiety, twisted language, and within 24 hours felt a strong pain in the joints and muscles, chills, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and then a drug addict because of the acute stage rolls head over heels, bites his fingers, bangs his body on anything, being bloody), but with the use of Kymdan-2 Injections was considerably softened or eliminated them. People felt a surge of energy and vivacity. But there were many people that result from the use of this drug broke up addiction and become normal but again started taking drugs and got sick from it.
Only strong-willed people, ready to take responsibility for their own destiny, unable to part with the addiction.
31.Drug-induced toxicity.
Kymdan-2 Injection achieved 98% of elimination of drug toxicity. According to foreign reports, one 40-year-old woman decided to commit suicide one time, swallowed 200 tablets Isonizid and lost consciousness. Then it was poured in 5% glucose, but no effect. But when she one time introduced for 8 vials Kymdan-2 Injections, the consciousness soon returned. Even applying for 8 ampoules 3 times a day, she fully recovered so that she was even doing Laundry. There are many such examples.
32.Protection computer.
Kymdan-2 Injection restored the fatigue and eliminates various symptoms of the difficulties that appear due to long-term work at the computer.
Thrush is the appearance of abscesses and ulcers on the oral mucosa. It appears at a high temperature of the body, mental and physical fatigue and during pregnancy.
With the use of Kymdan-2 Injection"4. The main method of use" has quickly cured the disease and improved the immunity of human body, and also significantly decreased the percent occurrence of stomatitis.
34.Heart disease.
Kymdan-2 Injection achieved 98% of the treatability of cardiac neurosis and arrhythmia, 67% of the treatability of cardiac ischemia, and 70% of angina.
(1)Rheumatic arthritis.
Kymdan-2 Injection at the same time treats heart failure in rheumatic arthritis. In principle it differs from other arthritic medication so effectively helped patients who have not received effect in the use of those drugs or suffer from their side-effects. And izlechennosti was high.
And when after one or two injections ceased or softened pain and swelling in the joints, many patients continued to use Kymdan-2 Injections. Then the disease recurred in a few days.
But patients, constantly receiving injection"4. The main method of use", fully recovered.
Kymdan-2 Injection showed a good effect in the treatment of rheumatoid – chronic arthritis, accompanying the change of the bones and suppression of the muscles.
Significantly softened or pain in the joints, and to some extent decreased increased joint and to the original form back muscles, depressed near the bones. But izlechennosti were not so high.
36.Spontaneous gangrene.
Spontaneous gangrene is caused by anemia and necrosis in fingers of arms and legs due to obstruction of peripheral circulation. Using Kymdan-2 Injections dark blue color in the painful parts changed to a light pink color and temperature returned to normal, and significantly softened the pain and different symptoms.
At the same time with Helgenburger ( - ), and other medications she has shown more good effect.
Hoping that Kymdan-2 Injection with its medicinal action will certainly affect epilepsy, the medical team used it and achieved some success.
As the patient was used only Kymdan-2 Injection (or mixed with other drugs), with the result that in almost all cases significantly reduced the number of seizures, and lasted for days without a seizure, but also positively changed the shape of seizures and improved EEG. Izlechennosti was 36%.
38.Infertility due to agenesis.
Different the cause of infertility. Kymdan-2 Injection effectively helped women who failed to conceive with genital agenesis. They have normal temperature, ovulation, and they happily became pregnant and gave birth to children.
39.The difficulty of menstruation.
When young women walked unevenly menstruation, the number was different, and she is a strong menstrual pain, Kymdan-2 Injection was applied in such a way that result in normal menstruation. In menopause, when I slowed the cycle of menstruation, and decreased her quantity, she normalized the menstruation increased libido.
For the treatment of cystitis used broad-spectrum antibiotics – Gentamicin, Doxycyclin etc., which can cause liver damage, digestive disorders, impotence, and loss of appetite.
While at the same time with antibiotic means Kymdan-2 Injection to prevent side effects and increased izlechennosti cystitis.
41.Venereal disease.
According to foreign reports, the Kymdan-2 Injection gave a certain effect for the treatment of various sexually transmitted diseases and prevent them.
42.The prevention of aging.
Kymdan-2 Injection showed a large effect for the treatment of old people. It is quite prevented aging and significantly reduced the symptoms of aging, such as wrinkles on the face, the mobility of the body, impotence, shackling of movements, weakening of libido and memory, aging the thought process and difficulty speaking.
According to the examinations 70-80-year old people are quite used injection Kymdan-2, they were on a par with 45-55-year-old people in terms of health.
43.Applying this injection, and healthy people become stronger, felt a surge of strength and was not aware of fatigue, and were able to prevent the above diseases. So they very well could use an injection of Kymdan-2, when they felt the spiritual and physical fatigue, or tired from excessive work and exercise, are drinking vodka, or going to work all night, in a period when the increased flu and infectious diseases.
44. Cosmetic effect.
People who have used injection Kymdan-2 for cosmetic face, was pleased with the effect.
When used by injection"4. The main method of use", the effect was distinct. And only anointing her face with a solution they were satisfied with the resulting effect than in the use of expensive cosmetics international fame. Before use, the solution you first need to wash, then open the ampoule, pour the solution on the palm (half ampoule in the morning and half in the evening) and smoothly massage the face. You can even apply makeup on the face or do not apply. Or injection, or facial massage solution gave a good effect, but still the best effect is obtained by simultaneous application of both methods.
Wrinkles smoothed, reduced or destroyed corn, tightened sagging muscles and healthy appearance has gained the face. Dark circles, spots, freckles, acne, hives, pimples and inflammation on the face disappeared, and the skin of the face has become more fresh and soft, flexible and smooth. His eyes began to Shine and lively mood remained for a long time, and more was a beauty.
45.Accelerated growth.
When children are in the period of development of growth, especially children, the weak figures and young age, used injection Kymdan-2 , they are well ate, became strong and wise, but also height and weight grew faster than children who did not receive an injection Kymdan-2.
46.Protection from radiation and dust storms.
According to the International Commission on radiological protection () in 1977, under excessive radiation immunodeficiencies appear from the reduction of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets that may lead to different infection, dysfunction and cancer. Thus, with the help of a reducing agent and immune antiokislitel need to improve immunity and antiokislitelnoe. This gives you the opportunity to prevent or cure not serious radiation damage.
As a result of years of clinical practice Kymdan-2 Injection is considered the best way to prevent and cure radiation sickness. After the use of this injection and antioxidative "Helponlogin" not only that,it was in the area of radiation infection, but someone took a course of radiotherapy at a dose of 5 have not developed symptoms of radiation injury.
It has been proved that Kymdan-2 Injection maximizing the body's immunity, prevents also the damage to the eyes or respiratory organ from dust storms.
To adequately prevent radiation from dusty and damage it is better to apply approximately 56-80 ampoules, and treatment,"4. The main method of use".
PhD Jong Son Heung
Pharmaceutical company Scares