"Royal Blood-Fresh" - this drug instantly dissolves fibrinogen, which is the main factor in the formation of blood clots, it eliminates the symptoms of thrombosis, normalizes blood circulation in the brain, prevents blockages and ruptures of blood vessels, and restores the microvascular system of the body. It is used to prevent the body’s predisposition to strokes and heart attacks, and is used to treat microvascular angina and coronary heart disease, and to prevent relapses of these diseases.
" Royal Blood-Fresh " is used as a strong antioxidant, restores youth to a person, improves mental abilities, prevents radiation damage, and eliminates long-haul syndrome (DVT). It is used for cardiopathy, headaches, hypertension, atherosclerosis, decreased mental abilities, poisoning with toxic substances.
Royal Blood-Fresh is a dietary supplement that contains:
- a large amount of highly active antioxidants, including the enzyme (SOD) isolated from soybeans
- the thrombolytic enzyme nattokinase,
- soy saponin and lecithin, which reduce the level of cholesterol and neutral fats,
- hypotonic potassium,
- natural vitamins E, PP, B6, B12, which suppress the formation of peroxide lipids and ensure the stability of cell membranes,
- anthocyanin, which eliminates active oxygen,
- isoflavone, which has a strong antioxidant effect,
- cholamine, which has a cosmetic effect.
Rehabilitation after a stroke: numbness of the limbs, speech impairment, memory problems, loss of hearing and vision, complications after the disease.
For coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.
When treating the consequences after a thrombotic stroke: hemiplegia, impaired sensitivity, nerves, speech, deterioration of mental abilities, cramps of the facial muscles, tremors of the arms and legs.
For hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension.
In case of poisoning with toxic substances and radiation damage from radioactive radiation.
To increase mental abilities and improve memory, slow down aging, stabilize health and quality of life.
For the prevention and resistance of the body to vascular diseases.
" Royal Blood-Fresh " breaks down lipids in the blood and on the walls of blood vessels and helps to successfully treat hyperlipemia, which is the cause of various diseases.
" Royal Blood-Fresh " provides a balance of blood solubility and blood clotting in the body and increases the activity of tissue plasminogen activating factor, which promotes the dissolution of blood clots, prevents bleeding and relapses of thrombosis.
" Royal Blood-Fresh " has a very strong antioxidant effect.
Considering that " Royal Blood-Fresh " is a health food, its consumption does not have to be strictly observed, and can be taken depending on the body's reaction.
Directions for use and dosage:
For treatment and rehabilitation
Course duration 30 days
(6 packs of "Royal Blood-Fresh")
Take 3 times a day, 6 capsules (before meals or during meals). From the second day, increase each dose by 1 capsule, and bring the dose to 9 capsules 3 times a day. Continue taking this dosage for 29 days. Then gradually reduce the dose taken to the original, in the same way in the reverse order to (6 capsules - 3 times a day) and stop taking it.
For prevention
Course duration 60 days
(3 packs of “Royal Blood-Fresh”)
In the first 5 days, take the drug 3 times a day, 2 capsules, then increase to 3 capsules 3 times a day. We take this dosage for the next 55 days of the course. This course can be carried out three times a year with an interval of two months.
There are no side effects on the body.